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Management problems of climbing frame electric hoist

2020-08-22 10:29:01Beijing Lieying

In daily project tool management, how to deal with the placement of climbing frame electric hoist requires business and solid skills to support it, and it also requires our intense sense of responsibility to do the job well. At present, with the continuous development of cranes on the market, more and more problems are discovered in the process of operation. The effects and losses of these problems and accidents are severe and sad. Therefore, in order to strengthen the safety management and use of various types of climbing frame electric hoist, to prevent the occurrence of various types of accidents of climbing frame electric hoist, from the State Administration of Technology Supervision to the local technical supervision bureau for various supervision rules and inspection specifications for cranes. And require all parts of the electric climbing hoist to be enforced. For the planning and manufacturing of climbing frame electric hoist, equipment and repair, application and treatment, supervision and inspection, and skills and safety requirements, all have a clear understanding of various requirements and guidelines, and pursue legal responsibilities for all types of illegal operations and individuals. . Therefore, we are required to use and maintain the climbing frame electric hoist in strict accordance with various rules, so that the crane can better provide convenience for the people and continue to create wealth.

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